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Blog Post #4: Weeks 7-8

Henry Miller

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

Week 7:

This week, Marilynn, Cole, and Henry finalized blog posts for Weeks 1-6, content for the homepage, and for the 'About Us' section while Alycia, Cole, and Henry worked on the formwork to pour the concrete ifor the final prototype.

Pictured Above: Alycia, Fourth-Year Architectural Engineering Student, began constructing concrete formwork.


Website Redesign:

At this time, the website looked very different. In fact, much of the content that exists today was first drafted using, simply, a Google Doc with dated images and notes for what to enter later. Only during week 10 did the final template take form and the content added.

Pictured Above: The original website homepage, prior to week 10

Week 8:

During week 8 lab, we continued work on the concrete formwork and looked for scrap materials on campus. We also continued to make progress on polishing our website.


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